November 27th 2019
Paris, November 27, 2019 – 07.00 am CET
CARMAT (FR0010907956, ALCAR), the designer and developer of the world’s most advanced total artificial heart project, aiming to provide a therapeutic alternative for people suffering from end-stage biventricular heart failure, today announced the appointment of Mr Alexandre Eleonore as Director
of Manufacturing.
Alexandre Eleonore is a confirmed industry expert with a strong background in operational management. He graduated from the Sevenans Polytechnic Institute, now UTBM (Université de Technologie Belfort-Montbéliard), and spent the first part of his career in leading automotive equipment manufacturers such as Faurecia and Plastic Omnium. After 10 years in this sector, he joined the Sorin group in 2009, which became Microport CRM, one of the world’s leading players in the treatment of cardiac rhythm disorders. He became Vice President Operations & Customer Service and implemented cost improvement plans, thanks to his knowledge of lean manufacturing and industrial process automation.
“Joining CARMAT and its teams is obvious to me. Following the excellent work done with the first prostheses, it is now a matter of preparing the large-scale production of one of the most complex medical devices ever invented. It is both a technical and a human challenge to establish the right industrial processes that will enable us to meet market demand,” said Alexandre Eleonore, Director of Manufacturing of CARMAT.
Stéphane Piat, Chief Executive Officer of CARMAT, commented: “We are very pleased to welcome Alexandre Eleonore to our management team. As Director of Manufacturing, his role will be to develop the processes related to the ramp-up of the Bois-d’Arcy site, while working on reducing the production costs of the prosthesis, in line with the continued transformation of CARMAT into an industrial and commercial company. His dual expertise in major industrial sectors such as automotive and health will be a key advantage for the commercial phase, which will require the production of several hundred prostheses per year with a high level of quality.”